100 g ofFArina Gluten free of frying rice Molino Marello
(kept in the fridge)
1 egg yolk
100 ml of very cold sparkling water
seed oil for frying to taste
Salt to taste.
2 courgettes
2 aubergines
Put the bowl in freezer for 15 minutes in which you will prepare the batter (preferably steel) and the whisk that you will serve to mix it. Clean the vegetables and cut them into not too thin sticks. Take a larger bowl than you use for the batter and fill it with water and ice (remove the smaller bowl from the freezer and put it in the one with the ice). Put the yolk inside and beat it for a few seconds, then add the fright fritting water and flour.
Mix for a few seconds and, if necessary, add a little more water, dip some pieces of vegetables, then fry them in abundant hot oil for a couple of minutes.
When the vegetables are golden brown, add the salt and dry them on a sheet of absorbent paper.
Serve hot.