Zucchini and black cabbage focaccia

Inserted by Rosa Rizzo the


200 gr Mix for bread not leavened Mulino Marello

A tablespoon of psillium flour

About 200 ml of water

30 ml extra virgin olive oil

2 pinches of salt until full

half a sachet of natural yeast for savory pies

200 gr about black cabbage

2 courgettes


Skip the zucchini in Julien and chop the black cabbage. In a bowl mix the flour with the natural yeast, the psillium, the oil, the water, season with salt and add the vegetables. Mix everything and roll out the mixture on a round or rectangular mold. Cook in the oven at 180 degrees for about 30 minutes.


This new mixture of not leavened bread flour lends itself very well to make a focaccia like this. Crunchy out and soft inside, thanks also to the presence of vegetables in generous quantity.

I added Psillium peel to give more estate and cohesion to the dough, but if you had no ingredient you can easily omit.

The focaccia is good both hot, in sliced ​​slices in the oven, but also at room temperature for a picnic on the lawn.

I like to accompany it with cooked vegetables such as chicory or a simple mixed salad with radicchio and rocket.

You can spread it perhaps with a cream of pea or zucchini and mint, or with slices of avocado.

To fill it, I chose the courgettes, always suitable and for a thousand recipes, but in March they begin to become seasoned, sweet and pulpose, rich in potassium and chlorophyll.

Together with the black cabbage, they make the latter less intrusive in the flavor and really become a perfect base. The black cabbage, a vegetable with a thousand virtues and a treasure chest of antioxidants, often we don't know how to use it and make it welcome in the family. This recipe is an easy way to use it, to take advantage of its benefits and free ourselves with a typical cabbage flavor!

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